Deep Well Drilling & Foundation Construction
From 300-mm diameter
micropiles to 1,500-mm
diameter bored piles

From 300-mm diameter micropiles to 1,500-mm diameter bored piles

From MASW to GPR, to electrical resistivity to themal resistivity

From ground improvement
works to slope stabilizing
Provider of Responsible, Cost-Effective Engineering
We are an engineering and construction company specializing in the best quality solutions for everything related to rocks, soil, and ground.
At Teragrail, we transcend the conventional boundaries of geotechnical services, offering a comprehensive suite of solutions that span from meticulous site investigations and geotechnical engineering to advanced geophysical surveys and bespoke foundation design. With a commitment to excellence, we tailor our offerings to align seamlessly with your unique budgetary constraintsand project requirements.

Rocks, Soil, and Ground Solutions